
The future of beauty...only now...so the present of beauty!

The future of beauty...only now...so the present of beauty!

Beauty gurus, daily stylists, comical geniuses and bitches with beautiful hair ;) whatever you wish to call them in recent years we’ve been inundated with these magicians. Websites like YouTube and blogger have seen a substantial increase in these people and I for one welcome this new modern age.

With new technology comes new ways of receiving information. For me this generation is perfect, I can discover new products and read reviews on various makeup/hair items that give me a clear view of what products to buy and the products to steer clear of.

My favourite blogs/youtubers/beauty gurus:



This gorgeous girlie Is from England (my home country woop except for the weather J) Her videos are generally not too long, fairly short but sweet yet include some really good reviews, haul videos (shopping essentially and I’m nosy so yeah), makeup and hair tutorials and she is particularly good for her interesting vlogs. Also I seriously adore her hair I aspire very much to have hair even half as good as hers.

Beauty Crush

This beautiful babe again does beauty related videos but actually has many based on hauls and ‘outfit of the day’ style videos and blog posts. Again she’s English (I try not to be biased however many American gurus use American products that I cannot get my hands on which can be quite irritating.) Oh yeah and once again I love her hair, serious hair envy it’s so naturally gorgeous.



This lovely lady is based defiantly on makeup and hair tutorials of which are all really good and fairly easy to do. She comes across in a really friendly, genuine manor the only issue I have is that she doesn’t update enough!...Also she has the most gorgeous puppy called Millie, if you’re looking for ‘aww’ moments she’s your girl.

Dolly Bow Bow


This slightly cockney/London accented girl (I can’t quite place my finger on her accent) is particularly good for haul style videos, she has good place and mostly shops in affordable places so I can often find the products she shows in my local shops. Also she has her own fashion/jewellery/hair accessories website which is full of some gorgeous stuff, even if you don’t check out her videos you HAVE to check out her website, I’m frequently found broke because of it!



If I had the hair skills that this girl has I’d open my own salon. Her hair tutorials are out of this world with inspired hair looks from TV shows such as Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars as well as creating some amazing formal updos.


As per usual this girl’s hair is to die for, naturally wavy and as long as Rapunzal’s girls everywhere are envious of it. Her tutorials are becoming some of my new favourites mainly down to her amusing style, her almost ‘bimbo like’ persona creates some very amusing lines that I giggle about for hours afterward. So if you like a laugh with your beauty this lovely lady is for you.


Apart from feeling like I’ve been advertising cars to you I have enjoyed doing this blog post. There are many more youtubers/bloggers that I enjoy that are not beauty based that I will list below.
Please do comment, what type of blogs do you like? Was this interesting? Do you also know about these beauty gurus and adore them? Do you have any more you think I’ll like?

(beware these will cause serious laughter fits, please be prepared!)

Thanks once again for reading, more to come soon :)

Over & out


  1. great post :)
    i love them all as well! they're amazing, especially beautycrush and SWalkerMakeup are my favs. and it's so true.. we could be happy to
    grow up with so many new opportunities trough such channels and so on.
    but which I don't really like about it sometimes is, that they use only there viewers to get a lot of money trough YT :/
    but what I want to say: i really like your blog and I started to follow you, dear :))



    1. Firstly thanks ever so much for your comment & following, as a new blogger its very much appretiated.
      Secondly I agree, sometimes it can seem like they do it to get money :/ but obvs I adore them :)
      Btw I've looked at your blog and you have some fab fashion posts :)

